Open Repositories 2023 workshop materials

The workshop materials presented at the Open Repositories 2023 workshop are now available on this page.

Upgrade to DSpace 7 – Slide deck (PDF)

The Docker image used for the purposes of the workshop is available on Docker Hub, and can be downloaded using the following command:

docker pull descry/or2023

To pull and run the container, using the recommended workshop parameters, run the following command:

docker run --name dspace -p 8088:8088 -p 8983:8983 descry/or2023:latest

For more details, see the OR 2023 conference programme.

2 thoughts on “Open Repositories 2023 workshop materials”

  1. Good day,

    We have a dilemma on the approval side. Cataloguers approve the thesis on Dspace but we cannot find them on the public side. We are in version 7

    1. Hi Nambitha

      You might want to have a look at the default permissions for the collection where the items are deposited, there’s usually three permissions that need to be set on these items for them to be visible. Also ensure that the deposit workflow does complete, in some cases if permissions for the destination collection are set improperly the workflow never completes.

      I hope that helps. You’re welcome to get in touch if this does not work for you.


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